Series: Influences

Like everyone else, I have always been motivated by example. I have looked up to people, as role models, as idols, as inspirations.

Influences: Wallpaper

I have a poster in my room, a collage of eleven people who have shaped who I am today. These people are from different backgrounds and professions, but all have been successful in life, for what they do and who they are. I believe that everybody needs influences. And an influence can be anything, a person, a song, a show, a book, a movie; anything at all.

So I decided to share with you some of my own influences, and why they have inspired me to become my current personal and professional self. Over a series of posts, I wish to tell you how I have been motivated by life in every aspect imaginable.

This is my first article series, so I hope you like it. I invite and encourage you to share your own influences as well, and what they mean to you, down here in the comments section. I can only hope that by the end, we all share some mutual influences.

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